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Leverage Twitter Advertising Services to Reach Your Audience

The idea of running Twitter ads can seem daunting, given the millions of tweets posted per minute on the platform. Your businesses’ Twitter advertisements could quickly get drowned out by a flood of what Taylor P. in Minnesota ate for lunch, who Ben in Australia thinks will win The Bachelor, or even Chrissy Teigen’s latest rant. 

But wait! Twitter averaged 330 million monthly active users in the first quarter of 2019. That’s a lot of eyes. Equipped with the right skill set, your Twitter campaign could be just as effectiveif not more, depending on the campaign objectivesas any other social media platform.

First of all, why Twitter advertising? Like Facebook and Instagram, advertising on Twitter offers a lot of eyes and thumbs on your content. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, Twitter ads are more seamlessly integrated into a newsfeed. If you’re new to Twitter advertising, let’s go through the three types of Twitter promotions you can run.

  • Promoted AccountsAre you trying to build brand awareness and following? Promoting your account is the way to go. This promotion comes up in a user’s newsfeeds alongside other suggestions for, “Who To Follow.” (i.e. alongside people they might know, brands they might like, and any Promoted Accounts.)
  • Promoted Trends –  You might have a following built up, but if people aren’t actively talking about your brand, it could be scrolled out of oblivion. This is where Promoted Trends come in. If you have a branded or industry-specific hashtag that is relevant and sensitive to other trending topics, this is the route to take.
  • Promoted Tweets –  Promoted Tweets are the most commonly used Twitter advertising tactic. This is similar to Facebook and Instagram’s “Boost” feature. This feature simply promotes any of your brand’s tweets you’d like. Even better – you only pay when someone engages with your Promoted Tweet. That’s ROI music to our ears. Promoted Tweets are labeled “Promoted” on the bottom, but otherwise, they show up seamlessly in a user’s newsfeed. 

So, you’re now determined to run Twitter ads, because you’ve heard the ROI is crazy high. Good news, we are determined, too. With an extensive knowledge of Twitter Ads Manager, advanced targeting capabilities, an audience-first approach, and robust experience running Twitter campaigns, we can guarantee Taylor P.’s incessant lunch tweets won’t drown out your business’ Twitter ad. 

Twitter Ads: We Know A Thing Or Two

Don’t get us wrong, we love using Facebook and Instagram ad placements just as much as the next guy, but with our Twitter advertising services, we have the chance to conquer a unique challenge. That challenge is real-time engagement. Twitter content thrives on what’s happening “right here, right now,” and with an “always-on” mentality, we’re able to effectively reach audiences in a timely manner.

Laser-Focused Ad Targeting on Twitter

We’re known for our audience-first approach, so naturally, we start there with great audience data. Who are you trying to reach with this Twitter campaign?  We not only have the basics (location, language, device type) covered, but also dive into the specific interests and habits of targeted users by doing specifically-tailored-to-your-campaign research and gathering insights. 

Organized & Smart Media Budgeting

You want the most bang for your buck while running your Twitter ads, we get it. Using our Twitter Advertising services will ensure your campaign budget is stretched as far as it can go. Our Digital Media team is not only well-versed with budgeting best practices across all social media platforms, but also provides different media plans based on budget, so you can accurately anticipate your Twitter campaign performances before we even launch it. 

Don’t wait any longer; start reaching the right people with Twitter advertising. Put our Twitter Ads Manager skills to the test, and let’s crush your brand’s next Twitter campaign!

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