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Why Does Search Engine Optimization Matter? 

With millions of searches happening every day, it’s safe to say your potential customers and clients are using search engines to find the products and services you offer right now. Search engine optimization — or SEO — helps users find your business more easily via any web search.

Optimizing your website for organic search can increase the quantity and quality of leads and more efficiently drive consumers through your sales funnel. And with the right SEO strategy, you’ll be easier to find by consumers searching for valuable, relevant keywords and topics.

Data-Backed SEO Strategy

Vert’s comprehensive SEO services work to increase your website traffic, inquiries, and leads by focusing on the most important elements of your website: user intent driven by keywords and relevant topics, high-quality and thorough content, thoughtful backlinking strategies, and internal linking hierarchies, all working towards ranking and gaining a higher domain authority. 

While Google offers loosely defined best practices and few definite rules, our experts in SEO are equipped to provide you with top-tier strategy, research, recommendations, and implementation. We start with a thorough audit of your site so we know the landscape and technical foundation your site is built upon. Then we make intentional recommendations to guide your overall SEO strategy and help you rank as well as stand out amongst your competitors. We know that identifying and implementing the right strategies play a crucial role in reaching your audience, and we make sure to provide the most in-depth and relevant recommendations to fully-optimize all pages on your website.

Search Visibility through Content Marketing

Across teams, our goal is for your website to be accessible and meaningful for your audience. In the context of our SEO services, this includes both the linking structure between your pages and the content of your pages. 

When it comes to SEO content, our brand strategy team carefully optimizes page content with consideration for keywords, semantically-related keywords, and the foundational elements of SEO with smart meta descriptions and title tags to make the biggest impact in search results. As Forrester Group found, the conversion rate of an optimized page is 200% higher. We’ll work with your team to pick up on any existing efforts you’ve executed or build from the ground up, so your on-site optimization is more likely to convert. 

Internal Linking Strategy for Humans & Bots

As you know, we have to optimize all sites for both robots and humans. A well-thought-out internal linking structure allows for the robots and spiders to crawl your pages which improves your ability to be indexed in search results and expands on your users’ journey throughout the various pages of your website. The last thing anyone wants is to leave your potential customers with a dead-end, not knowing what next step they should take. 

PR & Backlinks

We also consider your external links. Who is linking to your website? Who do you want to link to your website? By working with our team, we can identify the top industry publications and websites you’ll want to be featured on. We can even coach your team along the way on how to reach out for backlinks to obtain valuable guest blog posts, mentions, and other pivotal features on these top sites. 

Already working with a PR agency? We can help here too by developing a more thorough list of publications for outreach, as well as a list of dos and don’ts you’ll want your PR team to be following. 

Algorithm Updates & Technical Enhancements

Many clients are worried about algorithm updates since they have the power to impact your rank overnight. From Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Mobile-first Indexing, RankBrain, Possum, BERT, and all of the other updates to come, it can be a lot to keep up with. Let our team manage these updates, keep you up to speed, and advise you on how to pivotif at all. Most Google Algorithm updates are meant to provide a better user experience, so sometimes this will even help your site to rank better, but your site needs to be technically sound.

In our intro audits with new clients, we’ll uncover any technical enhancements your site might need. Users are getting more impatient with slower sites and they expect your site to load in 2 to 5 seconds. Our website design and development teams can help to speed up your site’s load time. They are also experts in UX and web design best practices so your site ranks well on both mobile and desktop, as well as converts. 

Organic + Paid Search = Smarter Search Optimization

When pairing organic search strategies with paid search strategies your site has better visibility within the search engine results page (SERPs). This practice of Search Engine Marketing allows for our organic and paid experts to work together and strategically decide which keywords are better utilized for paid advertising avenues, and which will save you time and money through organic efforts. 

Both teams are experts at understanding the user search intent and how competitive these environments will be. We can advise on landing pages that are effective for paid advertising and will make it easier for you to achieve the top of the page bid at a better value. Additionally, we can help you vet keywords and topics that might be too expensive for paid avenues and should be captured through organic efforts instead. 

Our search engine and paid search experts use a host of internal and external SEO tools to make sure our keyword research and optimization strategies are up to date and results-driven. You can trust our teams to put careful consideration into every search strategy and asset, guaranteed.

Local SEO

Depending on your business goals, local search engine optimization can be a pivotal strategy in achieving your KPIs. Our team of experts can help you to get your Google My Business profiles into tip-top shape, optimize your webpages for local search, or help you to choose the best partner for aggregating and managing your multi-location business listings. We will advocate for your business and persevere until all business listings across all locations are displaying the attributes, business information, imagery, and messaging that helps your business rank.

Start Showing Up in Searches: Leverage an SEO Agency

While SEO is ever-changing, your website must be optimized to its fullest potential to reach the users who need you. With Vert, you’ll be able to see performance trends month over month, quarter over quarter, and beyond in regards to both your organic traffic as well as your overall sales funnel. Sound interesting? When you’re ready to start ranking higher on Google and Bing, contact us today and speak to one of our experts.

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